Founders Green Animal Hospital

Preventative Care

Prevention-first methods of care are crucial to the long-term well-being of your pet. To keep your pet healthy for as long as possible, we recommend regular examinations and vaccinations so we can monitor issues and develop treatment plans if necessary.


Pets can mask signs of disease very well, so by the time they are exhibiting symptoms, it might have progressed. We recommend regular physical examinations even if everything seems alright at home. Our team at Founders Green can give you a full picture of your pet's health with these examinations, recommended once or twice yearly depending on your pet's age, breed, and conditions. If something does come up during the examination, we can tackle it early, which improves outcomes.

Our expert veterinarians will examine every part of your pet, from the nose to the tail. If there is anything notable found during the examination, we may recommend further diagnostic testing, which we are happy to provide right in our clinic.

During your pet’s exam, our veterinarian will look at or feel the following:

  • Eyes, ears, and nose
  • Teeth and gums (checking for signs of dental disease)
  • Skin and fur
  • Muscles and joints
  • Abdomen
  • Your pet's weight and body composition
  • Listen to the heartbeat and respiratory rate
  • Temperature

We recommend a fecal test every six months to one year. If requested by your veterinarian, please bring a fresh fecal sample to your appointment.

We recommend a heartworm test every year if a pet is not on heartworm preventative year round, but every other year if they are on heartworm preventative year round.

When we are discussing your pet’s physical health, we might also ask you a few questions about their mental health. Stress, behavioral issues, and lifestyle can eventually result in physical issues.

Some questions may include:

  • How much time per day or week does your pet spend alone?
  • Would you consider your pet friendly with strangers and other pets?
  • Are there any triggers for anxiety that you have noticed?
  • Have there been any recent changes in eating or drinking?
  • Does your pet seem to enjoy playtime?

You know your pet better than anyone, so this regular dialogue about your pet’s health, behavior, and care allows our team to properly treat them and get a full picture of their internal and external health.


Keeping up with regular vaccines for your pet ensures that they stay clear of preventable diseases that can cause them unnecessary pain and ailments. There are both core and non-core vaccines. Core vaccines are necessary for all pets, while non-core vaccines are recommended based on lifestyle.

Core Canine Vaccines:

  • Rabies
  • DA2PP
  • Lepto

Non-core Canine Vaccines:

  • Canine Influenza
  • Bordetella

Core Feline Vaccines:

  • Rabies

Non-core Feline Vaccines:

  • Feline Leukemia

These vaccines help your pet prevent and fight diseases that they may encounter unknowingly in a variety of environments. They are also generally required for boarding facilities, groomers, and travel, so it is best to get them taken care of right away. Our team at Founders Green animal hospital will go over all necessary vaccinations with you to make sure your pet stays healthy.

Parasite Control

Parasites can exist in almost any environment and can cause some pretty nasty diseases, so it is best to stay ahead of them. Our parasite control approach includes annual fecal testing for internal parasites and year-round preventatives to keep these unwanted pests at bay. Our veterinarians will work with you to develop a plan based on your pet's lifestyle. For instance, a dog that likes to go hiking will have a different approach to parasite control than an indoor-only cat. Preventatives typically come in pills, chewable treats, topical treatments, and vaccinations.

The following are the most important parasites to prevent:

  • Fleas: Female fleas can lay up to 50 eggs in a single day, so an infestation can go from annoying to critical in no time at all. Fleas can cause allergies and skin irritation, as well as tapeworms and Bartonella.
  • Ticks: If your pet likes to go on hikes, be especially careful of ticks. These parasites can be found anywhere, but most often in grassy or wooded areas. Check your pet all over for ticks after outside time, as ticks can transmit some very dangerous diseases.
  • Heartworms: Pets typically get heartworms through mosquitos, and can end up very large. We recommend year-round prevention, as symptoms of heartworms typically do not show up until the situation has gotten quite severe. They can cause irreversible organ damage or even death.
  • Internal parasites: This is a blanket term that includes things like roundworm, hookworm, and tapeworm. Puppies and kittens are especially susceptible to these parasites as their immune system is not fully developed. If your pet tests positive for any of these, they will be given deworming medication and be back to normal.


Accidents can happen to anyone at any time. Your pet might slip out of its leash on a walk or run out the backdoor while you are bringing in groceries. If your pet has a microchip, they have a much higher likelihood of being reunited with your family if they were to become lost.

We recommend that all pets, including indoor-only animals, get a microchip. We implant the chip which is around the size of a grain of rice in a quick and relatively pain-free procedure. The chip goes right in between your pet's shoulder blades. Once we have inserted the chip, you will register the number in HomeAgain, a national pet-finding database. You input all of your contact information, as well as information about your pet. If they get lost, all a veterinarian or a shelter must do is scan the microchip and give you a call.

Nutrition & Weight Management

Obesity and weight-related conditions are some of the most common conditions that household pets have to deal with. Proper nutrition and exercise are extremely important for the health of your pet, especially as they get older. Feeding your pet a high-quality, breed, and age-specific pet food will ensure they get all the nutrients that they need.

We are happy to provide the following nutrition and weight management services at Founders Green animal hospital:

  • Health and wellness advice and planning
  • Recommendations of foods and diets for your pet
  • Advice on weight loss for overweight or obese pets
  • Recommendations on how to deal with pet allergies

We can recommend food that helps with various conditions like IBS, diabetes, and thyroid issues. Over one-third of all pets have a weight-related condition, so it is important to stay on top of your pet's diet and exercise.

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Phone: 720-769-8754

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